CEGO3 – weekend of Sep 24-26

CEG Outdoors club is happy to see CEGO virtual event2 complete. Thanks to 16 members who participated in the CEGO 2 event  in the weekend of Sep 17-19th. Our goal was 60-miles which was easily crossed to reach 109.1 miles. Congrats everyone!

CEGO2 summary

Distribution of miles from CEGO2 event

As we have said before, we will keep raising the bar with each event. For the CEGO3 event here are the details

Goal: 90 miles

Start Time: Friday – Sep 24, 2021 from 10AM local time
End  Time: Sunday – Sep 26, 2021 from 10PM local time

1.25x multiplier for walk
0.5x multiplier for biking
1x multiplier for run and hike

Same guidelines as used in CEGO2 event apply here as well. Please make sure to drink water, stretch before and after the event. And as a special call out, please invite your CEG friends to join CEGO2. Family members of CEG alumni are encouraged to participate with you as well. Thanks again for stretching and going beyond the comfort zone. All these help with the wellbeing of yourselves to be a longer term alumni member.


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