Weather prediction is used for helping consumers plan their day, and prepare for their travel, and events in life. The weather people predicted a beautiful Saturday in Seattle, WA. This and many other weather predictions are powered by the technologies that Bala Gopalakrishnan & his team build at Perlmorex Corp.
There were 14 attendees at the third CEGfi session on Apr 23, 2022. Balan, from CEG EEE 1992 batch, shifted into data and weather predictions in the past 15 years. He provided a good overview of the systems used for weather prediction and novel businesses that come out of this effort. It was fascinating to see how powerful the simple fluid dynamic modeling can be when applied to millions of data points to compute the weather for the next hour, day, and week.
In addition, relevant ads can drive deeper engagement for consumers and businesses. The field of weather prediction relies on people with deep data and geography knowledge. Glad to see one of our CEG alumni at the helm of weather predictions helping millions of us to live a peaceful life. Thanks, Bala!!