In the past 18 months, CEG Outdoors community has grown to 100+ members across the globe. Thanks everyone for committing to invest in your own health. And we are nurturing your inner child engaging in the sense of adventure outdoors. On multiple occasions, we also met in person and participated in joint activities.
In 2022 alone, our group completed 1000s of miles (or kilometers) of running collectively. We had members run long and short distance, hike up mountains, swim and walk. We had several beautiful pictures shared. Most importantly the group appreciated and encouraged others along the way. As we look ahead to 2023, I anticipate that the community only grows stronger and healthier.
Today, I created a Strava Club for sharing details. Please see https://www.strava.com/clubs/cego. Of all the tools, Strava does a great job in handling multi-sport tracking on multiple devices (iOS, Android, …). Some of us were already sharing posts from Strava app. If you are open to it, please join the club.
The questions remain the same:
Are you sweating enough?
Are you getting outdoors enough?
Are you needing help?
We are a no-fee more-sweat group.
We also love to cheer each other.
We love to help as much as possible.
Come soar with us with enjoyable outdoor activities.
Join CEGO on WhatsApp – https://chat.whatsapp.com/HYVwnrxDraU1MYvhTLI144
Join CEGO on Strava Clubs – https://www.strava.com/clubs/cego